Our Activity Areas

We believe that a happy society can live in a healthy world. In this sense, as Nature Energy, we offer sustainable energy solutions. Our fields of activity include energy generation from solar, wind, and other sustainable energy sources, as well as biomass energy production. With our zero-waste philosophy and our belief in a sustainable ecosystem, we produce the energy our planet needs with our sense of responsibility. On this path, we set out with the motto “A sustainable life requires energy”, we continue to invest in and produce energy storage systems and other renewable energy solutions.

Zero Waste

According to World Bank data, over 2 billion tons of waste are produced in the world in a year. The zero-waste philosophy includes practices for the collection, categorization, and recycling of waste, in addition to measures to reduce waste. With biomass energy production, as Nature Energy, we produce energy from waste and work for “zero waste”.
The increase in energy demand in parallel with the increasing population and the gradual decrease of global resources against ecological changes brought the concept of sustainability to the fore. Sustainability is the only key to carrying today's values to the future in the equation of production and consumption that rapidly consumes the world's natural resources.

In this sense, it is important to adopt sustainable approaches so that future societies can protect both social, economic, and ecological conditions. Against the rising energy demand due to the increase in industrialization and urbanization, the carbon emission created by fossil fuels brought sustainable models in energy production to the fore.

Sustainability in energy is based on the efficient use of resources and adopting models that do not harm the environment. As Nature Energy, we support sustainable energy production in Turkey with our biomass and other energy investments; meanwhile, we continue our R&D and production activities in the field of energy production from waste within the scope of zero waste.

Importance of Energy Storage Systems

While the demand for energy is increasing day by day, the rapid decrease in resources necessitates effective energy management. In addition to the inability of resources such as coal and natural gas to meet the needs, the damage it causes to the environment increases the need for renewable energy resources and the storage of these resources. Energy storage systems are very important in terms of storing the obtained energy and using it in accordance with the needs. Storage systems that enable efficient use of energy also come to the fore by reducing energy costs.

Carbon Emission

After the industrial revolution, the density of greenhouse gas formed in the atmosphere emerged because of the intense use of industrial vehicles working with fossil fuels in the 19th century. As a result of the uncontrolled use of fossil fuels, global warming has become a significant threat. Today, 87 percent of the energy used is produced by coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Canalising to renewable energy sources is the only way to build a sustainable future by reducing our carbon footprint.